You are what you eat, and so am I.


The Marketplace

Anyone who eats, bathes, or laughs can benefit from buying and reading this book. While targeted at a female audience, the women who will enjoy Kitchen Concoctions come from a variety of lifestyles and backgrounds, from young professionals to busy moms to students to girlfriends to cooks to pretty much anyone. Think Alice Water's The Art of Simple Food meets I Like You by Amy Sedaris.

The timing is ripe for a book of this type. Food writing has been gaining popularity over the past decade. Novels such as Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and Cure for Death by Lightning by Gail Anderson-Dargatz include recipes as a means of furthering the plot and developing the characters.

Furthermore, interest in the organic, sustainable, and slow food movements is at an all time high. Everyone wants to participate in this growing market, but many people feel excluded by high price or inconvenience. We can see that a food revival is in the midst in literature as well as our society. Kitchen Concoctions demystifies the notion of organic food being unattainable and home cooking being too time consuming. With a little ingenuity and creativity anyone can eat well and live in abundance.

Alegra is connected to chocolatiers, restauranteurs, organic farmers, and a wide array of foodies across the continent (even around the world). Through her network of friends, farmers, and foodies, she will tap into many opportunities to promote her book, from the farm stands to friends' websites to restaurants and shops. She also has an established audience at many of her own websites, where she will promote Kitchen Concoctions.

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All contents on this page copyright (c) Alegra Marcel Bartzat 2007, 2008.