You are what you eat, and so am I.


About Alegra Marcel Bartzat

Alegra Marcel Bartzat is editor of a biology website. She has had several works of poetry published in journals and periodicals. She has written scientific essays and journal articles, mostly about ethnobotany and marine botany. She is an ordained minister of Universal Life Church as well as an ordained clergy of Spiritual Humanism, a spiritual organization not affiliated with any church. She celebrates several pagan holidays and considers her kitchen sacred. She is a kitchen witch.

The ideas and guidelines in this book are based on the way Alegra lives. She is a master of L'Arte D'Arrangiarsi, Italian for the art of arranging. Loosely speaking it means the art of making something from nothing: a meal from a seemingly empty cupboard, a spa retreat from household items, a party from leftovers, gifts from things that are lying around, a celebration from the pieces of life.

Alegra cooks at home almost everyday, but rarely goes to the grocery store with a list, and even more seldom follows a recipe. She supports the local and organic food movement with out a lot of thought or effort. She is degreed in environmental biology and creative writing. Kitchen Concoctions captures the essence of her lifestyle.

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    All contents on this page copyright (c) Alegra Marcel Bartzat 2007, 2008.