You are what you eat, and so am I.


Friday Day: Instant Lunch

Simple Salad

Sometimes on Fridays at work we host teachers and students for professional development. On those Fridays we buy Mexican food. I used to eat it every time; it tastes good, but I always feel bad after eating it. However, on those days I also have to be at work at 7am, so it is hard to get motivated to make a lunch, even the night before. Fifteen minutes of sleep is just as precious as night as it is in the morning. But this Friday I just couldn't bring myself to eat it again. So I made an instant lunch.

Pre-mixed salad from a few days ago*

Instant dressing
The highest quality olive oil you can buy
Aged balsamic vinegar

*The arugala was a little wilted, but the spinach held up quite well. That was good lesson to learn about which greens can be mixed ahead and which need to be eaten right away.

This dressing is so simple but so delicious. The key is in the olive oil. It has got to be so delicious that it practically tastes like fruit juice or wine.

I paired this off with some Wheat Thins and Spicy Hummus.

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